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Subject: cooling/webers
Date: Fri, 21 Aug 92 13:01:04 -0600
Got back from meetings/vacation and just caught up with my mail...
(One thing I discovered is just how weak the dollar is, 1.92 to the pound,
1.44 marks/dollar. Won't be getting many new parts direct from UK... )

Re: Cooling
I am in search of Maximum Cooling for my 69 MGB. The New Mexico desert and 
the souped up motor require more than what the stock system will dissipate.
I have been looking at the cooling system (thicker core than usual) and 
am interested in more effective solutions than just beefing up the core some
more. I have noted the silly design whereby the inlet and outlet are on the
same side. Redline water-goo only helps a bit. Anyone try other approaches?
I'd prefer to not use electric fans. What about V8 radiators - anyone tried
bolting one in? Any sources for aluminum radiators? Sideflow designs? Any
comments are appreciated.

Re: weber behavior
I am new to sidedraught weber tuning and need help diagnosing a problem....
Which is, the revs don't drop fast after the car has warmed up. I don't want to
wear the tranny and don't like waiting for the R's to drop. This only occurs 
when warm - drops immediately when cool. The new engine's compression = 10.3
so I'm immediately turning to slow throttle closing type problems. The magnitude
of the problem is similiar to when I put the airpump back on a stock B - not
drastic but undesireable.

THANKS for any help
John Sanders

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