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Re: Jap-powered TR3, and an idea

Subject: Re: Jap-powered TR3, and an idea
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 92 18:11:22 PDT
>Bary, stick a DOHC fuel-injected counterbalanced
>cross-flow hemi head Toyisahatsu whatever in you TR3,
>and sell the original lump to Ed Rush ! 

Gee, thanks, Daren.  :-)
Actually, if the "original lump" is in good condition, I'd be
interested. What part of the world are you in, Bary?

(Update for anyone interested: I haven't found the scoundrel
mechanic who disappeared with my TR3A motor, radiator, etc., but
I did file a grand theft report with the Santa Clara Police.
At least I still have the body, trannie, and carbs.)
  | Ed Rush, not speaking for Metaphor, Mtn. View, CA  |
  |  UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush          |
  |  Internet:                       |
  | My Macintosh doesn't go out in the rain.           |

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