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e-type parts

Subject: e-type parts
From: Paul Amaranth <>
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 92 12:11:04 EDT
Zahid writes:

ps: has anyone tried buying parts for this car [e-type]?  boy!! they
    are outrageously expensive.  Anyone know of any overseas
    suppliers that are reliable and carry good quality stuff?

hahahahaha!  Cheap parts?  For an E-Type?  You're kidding, right?
If you want cheap (ie reasonable) parts, trade in your Jag for a
nice TR4, TR6 or MGB.  (sorry, I couldn't resist this :-)

Seriously, your best bet if you live near a large city, is to join
your local Jaguar Club and check out what the other members do.  Someone
may have a parts car that they will part out cheaply to get some space.
For wear items, you will either have to bite the bullet and pay, or
order out of England, but you will have to pay shipping and probably
duty, as well.  You still might save a few dollars thay way.  Get an issue
of the Jaguar monthly magazine at a good book store, they should have
some ads to follow up on.

Since Robey is manufacturing bodies, all you really need is a title and
the id plate (and you can get duplicates of those).  I was down at a
Jaguag shop in Ohio a couple of years ago (the name escapes me at the
moment) and they had two crushed e-type bodies they were going to crate
up and send back to England for 'restoration'.  The lowest I've seen a
drivable one is around $13K and the presentable cars are mostly in the
20-35K range.  Unfortunately, the market is too small and specialized
(read expensive) for cheap parts.  Stay out of the kitty's den unless
you have lots of green kitty litter to spread around :-)

I was at my Jag club meeting the other day and one of the members had
his '70 e-type roadster (red) there with all of 400 miles on it since
his 2.5 year restoration (it's hard to say, but I think he spent
somewhere around $15-$20K for the restoration).  What a beautiful car! 
Seeing this was particularly hard since this is the exact year and
model that I have sitting in boxes in my garage attic.  Unlikely that
I'll be able to do anything at all on it until next year, but it's nice
to know what it will look like :-)

Oh, BTW, on September 12 my local Jaguar club will be hosting its
25th concourse at the Edsel Ford Estate in Grosse Pointe Michigan.
A nice show with some really nice cars.  Anyone interested can e-mail
me for details.

Paul Amaranth  Manager User Services - office: (313) 370 4541 (also voicemail)
(internet)  | Summer schedule:
(bitnet)       amaranth@oakland               |   Mondays & Tuesdays only
(uucp)         ...!uunet!umich!vela!amaranth  | 

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