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World made small by Usenet - was Re: Oil Leakers

Subject: World made small by Usenet - was Re: Oil Leakers
From: (Robert Jones)
Date: Wed, 5 Aug 92 16:46:42 EDT
Wow!  The exact same thing was just forwarded to me by a fellow employee
here too not 5 minutes ago!  He got it from someone's .sig on the Red Sox
mailing list. I think Scott Fisher posted it awhile back and is probably
the originator.


From: (Garry Archer)

>The following was just passed on to me by a fellow employee ... he noticed
>I was wearing my Mini Cooper t-shirt today ...

>>How do you get a British car to stop leaking oil?  Simple.  Drain out all the
>>oil and drive the car around the block.  This will teach the engine what
>>happens when the oil leaks out, and it will henceforth make every effort to
>>hold it in.
>>         - Charlie Rockwell, Rockwell Motor Sport
> Garry Archer Esq.
> 3M Health Information Systems,    Wallingford, Connecticut, U.S.A.
> "An Englishman never enjoys himself, except for a noble purpose." - 

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