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new purchase

Subject: new purchase
From: william sadler <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 1992 11:13:16 -0500
Well I took the plunge and bought another car.  It is a 76 Spitfire.
Right now it is dissassembled and sitting in a warehouse.  The previous
owner inherited it from 2 kids who were in the process of restoring it.
They had stripped all of the paint off and primed the non-rusted
sections.  There is a lot of rust, but it all look repairable.  The
hardest part will be the back left wheel arch.  Does anyone know if
I can order a piece that includes the arch and the front and back of the
arch but does not go all the way up to the weld seam?

The guy I am buying it from it rebuilding the low end on the engine for
me as part of the deal.  He owns an engine "re-manufacturing" plant so I
think he will do a good job.

Can anyone recommend a good book on restoring spitfires?  Also, I need
some parts sources.  The guy I am buying it from is going to order the
body parts I need for me through his business so that I get a discount.

Now the interesting part:

This guy is a true LBC nut.  He had the following cars in this warehouse:
a 68 Jag rdstr, an 58 MGA, 3 or 4 rubber bumper Bs, a Morgan (I don't
know what year), a TD, a Citroen 2CV, a 69 Sprite, a Mercedes 215 (I think-
it was a 60s model of some sort) and a big Healey (BJ1000 I think) and
another MGA.  I didn't get to see the Big Healey and the MGA since they
were at his house.  He also has antique steam engine cars.  Oh, there
was a big old Bentley too.  These cars were in varying states of repair, but
most were fully restored.


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