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TR250/6 oil pressure switch

Subject: TR250/6 oil pressure switch
From: ian@Centric.COM (Ian Macky)
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 92 11:24:25 PDT

Has anyone had problems with the oil pressure switch going bad?  Mine is
leaking badly (as in squirt, squirt) and I can't get it out!  It just
rotates when turned, and not much torque is needed.  It neither tightens
nor loosens, just spins, so I imagine the switch is broken and the outer
part is just rotating freely while the threaded root remains in place...

Does this ring any bells?  Any suggestions?  Access is a bitch.  This is
the early type switch with a single terminal.

The only thing I can think of is to drill out the center and hammer a long
extractor in there, all the way to the threaded part, then remove it using



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