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Help with Sprite convertible top

Subject: Help with Sprite convertible top
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 13:16:51 PDT

Less than 1 week ago I purchased a 1964 Sprite (1098).  This is my
first British Car, and in fact, my first car.

A few things need to be done to make this car solid, but it's in
fairly good shape.

The old top was a rag, so I ordered the replacement part from Moss.
It arrived yesterday, and I discovered how it should be attached to
the bar up front -- a process requiring a rivet gun and some as yet
undetermined adhesive.

I replaced the rivets with screws, but still need to deal with the
adhesive issue.

Also, (and I know this sounds dumb) but the folding mechanism doesn't
fold all the way down.  Is it supposed to, or does it just sort of sit
about 1/4 open?  A trip through the Haynes manual hasn't produced any
information on the convertible top.

So, if this is an FAQ, could someone send me the canonical "Changing
Tops" article.  

Thanks so much for any advice,


        a.j. herrera          
        silicon graphics                phone (415) 390-1741
        m/s 3L-850                      fax +415 390 6059 

            "the bigger they are, the slower they corner"

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