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Re: Move to Arizona

Subject: Re: Move to Arizona
From: (Daniel J. Dasaro)
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 15:39:32 PDT
> Dear All,
>       When I move down I am thinking about towing my Midget behind my 80
> Vanagon (which will be loaded with junk), is a 1980 Vanagon with a good 
> motor up to it if I take it easy??  All and any opinions welcome.
> Cheers DW

Not that this is a real followup in that it has much relevance to your
question but it reminds me of a friend who moved across country towing
his Midget behind a BMW 735i.  He used a tow bar (so all 4 wheels of the
Midget were on the ground).  

Somewhere up in the Rockies the BMW developed vapor lock and the car
just quit completely, right there on an uphill grade.  He walked back,
climbed into the MG, started it, and pushed the BMW so that it could be
steered to the side of the road (going uphill at some high elevation in
the mountains!).

The BMW started again but it would have been interesting to have seen
the MG do the pushing for a few miles.


P.S.  My MGB is freshly painted and just waiting for me to find enough
time to put all the chrome, carpets, seats, windows, etc. on the car.

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