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Re: VIN plates

Subject: Re: VIN plates
From: rush@mnementh.Metaphor.COM (Ed Rush)
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 92 11:12:14 PDT
Hi, Jerry--

>Apparently, in California, these cars were registered by their 
>engine # rather than their chassis #.

I believe the DMV paperwork for my TR3A matches the commission
number (TS 66235 L).

Berry Kercheval suggested that you have a TR3A and might let me 
inspect and measure it to see where the front-apron letters and
medallion go.  Have you and would you?  And, are you going to
Pablo's tomorrow for the SoL lunch?  I'll bring a camera and
tape measure (if I don't forget).

  | Ed Rush, employed by but not speaking for  |
  | Metaphor Computers, Mtn. View, CA          |
     UUCP: [...!{apple|decwrl}!]metaphor!rush
  | Picture, if you will, a backpacking Shark  |
  | from Texas with a Mac in a TR-3A.          |

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