Two quick observations before our system goes down for repairs...
1) The sacrificial metal that someone referred to recently is: Zinc.
Presumably that is the reason for the "Zin" in Zintex. It is applied
as the sacrificial layer in Zincrometal, which I believe was the brand
of sheet metal used for car bodies starting about a decade or so back,
when they started to get semi-serious about corrosion protection on
new cars. Treatment varied between single- and double-sided applications,
depending on what body panel was being formed.
2) VINs are not only stamped on the VIN plate visible on the car, but
usually elsewhere in hidden, secret locations that usually become less
than secret after a few years. I THINK that law enforcement has a guide
to the number locations for stolen car identification if any of you are
trying to get the correct number for an old car missing its tag. Not all
manufacturers bothered to be so thorough, of course, but you could ask your
friendly neighborhood cop... I'm sure he'll have the hidden locations for
VINs on a Morgan 3-wheeler right at his fingertips. :-)
Andrew C. Green
Datalogics, Inc. Internet:
441 W. Huron UUCP: ..!uunet!dlogics!acg
Chicago, IL 60610 FAX: (312) 266-4473