>Subject: Spridget turn signal question
> The reason I think it has something to do with the
> bulbs is that when I first got the car back on the
> road, the signals flashed faster on one side that
> compared to the other. When I pulled the bulbs out I
> noticed that they were different types, and so
> obviously make a difference as to the rate of, ahem,
> flash.
Check for increased resistance in the wiring to the sockets, the
contacts, and/or the grounds. (Probably caused by corrosion.) Flash rate
is directly related to current draw, so whichever side flashes slower probably
has higher resistance.
>Subject: Nut size...
>The rest of the rear end came a part fairly easily. All the rear
>brakes are apart , I might as well rebuild each rear wheel cylinder
>while I'm at it and replace the old brake lines with new ones
>considering I busted one getting them off.... I still have to pull the
>hubs (Gotta rent a hub puller to get them off) so I might need new
>wheel bearings after I'm done with that..I'll see...
Nah, just get a gear puller and a piece of metal to go across the
opening in the axle (that's what Bobwrench and I did on the Sprite from
hell). We also gave up and used a chisel (no torch) on the nut. Works good.
Good idea to replace those rear brake lines, the two times I've seen steel
brake lines go it was the rears in a sprite (and with a single system that
can be interesting...)
>You have defeated the british car. Experience goes up 5 points, gold goes down
>10 points, Strength goes down 3 points.
I love it!
>Subject: Re: Mini Tossing....
>As for the difference between a trebuchet and a catapult, the former
>uses weight and leverage to hurl very large objects, while the latter
>uses tension, typically either by twisted ropes or gut cables, and
>uses a spoon-shaped lever to throw generally smaller objects. But it
>only really matters if you know the difference, say, between a falchion
>and a poignard, or a cuisse and a greave. (Why, yes, in fact, there
>ARE pieces of information more useless than the good head casting
>numbers of a 1275 Spridget engine...)
Uh oh... I know all of those. I wonder what that says about how
I use my spare time? Perhaps we need to found Informaholics Anonymous, for
those that want to deal with their problem with useless knowlege... :-)
Randell Jesup