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Redcar progress, or countdown till friday

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Redcar progress, or countdown till friday
From: "Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6" <>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 92 09:21:35 PDT
     Well, last night was another marathon session under the
     bonnet of Redcar, and I have the divot on the back of
     my head (ouch) to prove it.
          I managed to get the cross-flow radiator all in,
     and held my breath as I lowered the bonnet to see if
     the shrouding would clear. It did, just like it was
     made for it, with the radiator ductwork just meeting
     the bonnet's interior shroud. Perfecto.
          Next I attacked the front wiring loom, and it's
     just amazing how well it all goes when everything is
     labeled. One thing about the Spridget wiring harness 
     that I only recently learned, is that the dip switch
     (headlight dimmer) strand DOES NOT COME WITH THE
     HARNESS. You either have to re-use the old one, or make
     a new one. Since I had thrown away the old one long ago, 
     (dip switch strand & all), I had to make a new one. 
          I carefully measured off three lengths of
     different-colored 12ga. wire, added bullet connectors
     to the ends, & wrapped the whole thing with black
     electrical tape. All installed it looks good, & will
     work fine, but I wish I had the original cloth covered
     one. Anyone out there got a spare ?
          Anyway, with the whole thing in, I took a deep
     breath & tried the lights ...... Voila ! Let there be
     light ! For the first time in about 2 yrs. Redcar has
     hi & lo beams. At that point it was about 11pm, and
     time to turn in. 

          Tonight: Replace the front parking light wire I
     fried by installing it *incorrectly*, install the rear
     loom, troubleshoot the inevitable glitches.

          Tomorrow night; secure the dashboard, re-install
     the steering column, DRIVE !

          with high hopes-

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  • Redcar progress, or countdown till friday, Daren Stone, D2 IE, 5-9521, bpr:237-2322, RN2-C6 <=