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starter revisited

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: starter revisited
From: Scott Alexander <salex@devvax.Jpl.Nasa.Gov>
Date: Wed, 08 Apr 92 20:54:00 MDT
Yesterday, I went out to look at my starter and my Romanian neighbor
stopped by to see what was up.  Upon hearing my click, he declared my
brushes dead.  So tonight, I snuck back out to clean all my contacts
and check my groundstrap and otherwise make certain that Teriann
wouldn't have too much occasion to snicker behind my back.  After
getting everything bolted back together, I gave it a try.  The car
started right up.  Another half dozen tries, another half dozen
starts.  I patted myself on the back and started to compose my note
of (self-)congratulations to all the people who helped.  I then
picked up some things from upstairs, headed back down to drive into
work (no, not just to post this note) only to turn the ignition key
and hear "click".

At this point, I'm convinced that the starter needs to come out and
get examined.  I'm not certain whether the terminals just need a
better cleaning or whether all that corrosion all over the bottom of
the starter extends to the bits inside as well, but in either case
figure it will be easier to diagnose right side up.  Any words of
wisdom before I embark on this?  (I stopped by the mechanic from whom
I bought the car to hear of his SCCA exploits and his advice was to
take it to the place that rebuilds starters.  I figure that would be
cheating though. :-)

Thanks and thanks again,
Scott Alexander

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