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Smith's guages(Lotus)

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Smith's guages(Lotus)
From: (Bob Tufts)
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 92 16:16:52 EST

Yes all my 2" guages in the Esprit ar as you described (needle points down).
The Voltmeter has a "468" sticker on it. The Lotus part is A079N6025F
For your info here are the other guages, while I'm at it:
Guage:                  Smiths sticker:         Lotus PN:
Oil P (Mechanical)      169                     A079N6026F
Fuel                    159                     A075N6031F 
Water Temp (0-90-140 C) 189                     A079N6023F
Tach 7K 3.75"           189 (yes, same as temp) A079N6022F
Speedo 140 mph 3.75"    179                     B079N6023F

FYI: the Voltage stabilizer is A079N6027F (but I wouldn't order one!)
All the 2" guages have "SMITHS" at the top, the international symbol for
what they measure in the middle (i.e.; a battery for volts) and then what
they measure in english at the bottom of the top half (i.e.:; "VOLTS".
The voltmeter has white numbers of 11 (at the 1/3 point) 13 (at 1/2) and
15 (at 2/3 scale). There are red bar zones that extend from the bottom of
the scale to about 11.5 volts and then again from about 15.25 volts to the top.
BTW: I can see the location of the voltage stabilizer was an arbitrary decision
by Lotus. It's not actually mounted to the Temp guage itself, but the bracket
that holds the guage to the guage panel.

Hope ethis info helps you, but with the tach & temp guage having the same
sticker number, I don't know how reliable that sticker is (I wonder if Lotus
applied them as a bin number?, don't know).

-Bob T.

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