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Future of the list

To: sol
Subject: Future of the list
From: mjb (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 92 00:28:29 -0700
It finally happened.  A couple of weeks ago, I finished up my thesis
work, and am now just waiting for the paperwork to be finished by the
graduate school.  So I have been doing more of what it is that the U of U
expects in return for the paychecks.  But not enough, it seems.

Some bean counter types took a look at the computing resources, disk space
and those portions of my time which were going to support the British car,
autocross and Datsun mailing lists.  They were not happy, and told me so.
I guess the big discussion we had on list volume in the britcars group was
to no avail.

But all is not lost, as we may have worked out a compromise.  The lists
can remain, but there will now be an access fee charged to those wishing
to continue getting the mail.  We aren't really sure of the most fair
and appropriate charge schedule for this service, which includes mail,
either the interactive list or the digest formats as well as the ftp
archives on hoosier.  So we just sort of picked a number for continued
access to these automotive services, and decided that $10.00 (US of A
dollars) per month was a good starting point.

So, if you want to keep getting mail after this message, send a check for
$10 to:

Fat Chance Garage Mailer Fund
PO Box 58333
Salt Lake City, Utah  84158

To assure that you keep getting mail, the check MUST BE DATED April 1, 1992.

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