Couple of questions for any and all takers:
1) Anybody used the "Splitfire" brand plugs? These are the plugs with a
forked-tip side terminal. Supposedly the spark has greater "access" to
the mixture through the split. Usual claims of better performance,
mileage, etc. I'm willing to try anything that will help my stock
Lucas ignition, but before I shell out for 6 @ $6 ea. I'd like to
hear from someone who's tried them on his/her LBC.
2) More on SU fuel pumps: I read recently, from a credible source, that
newer SU pumps had a diode in lieu of or in addition to the condenser.
Supposedly the diode helps prevent point-burning. Seems like it would
be a simple matter to retrofit a diode to older pumps to accomplish
the same result. Anybody familiar with this, got schematics, tried it?