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TRF Winter Sale

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: TRF Winter Sale
From: ("Mr. Mike" Passaretti)
Date: Wed, 25 Mar 92 17:34:08 EST
Before I get even more confused than I already am, could one
of you gentles perhaps enlighten me?

I placed a rather large FAX order with TRF the other day.  I
spent a not inconsiderable amount of time calculating my cost,
and was a bit confused by the discrepancies I found.  I will

I ordered, let's say, $1,164.77 worth of stuff.  With the 12%
discount the sale flyer claims for fax orders, that came to
$1025 ($1024.99, but a penny I can deal with).  When I got my
confirmation back from TRF, the order was, due to price list
changes $1160.76 (I saved money on that deal), and the
discount amount was $134.79.  Total cost 1025.97.  

I'm confused.  How can my gross be less, but my discounted be
more?  I do the math, and see that the discount they gave me
is actually 11.61%.  So I call the customer service desk, and
I say HuH?  (I'm not upset about the $.97, here, I'm just not
sure that the universe hasn't gone off and left me somewhere).

The kind gentleman at TRF explains that it's not _12%_, it's
10% and then 2% more.  (That's not what the flyer says, but I
thank him, and feeling that the universe is once again
spinning in its intended path, I trundle home.)  As I'm
walking in the door my brain, which like Lauri Anderson's
often annoys me with little pieces of information I didn't
really need or want, says "Now wait a minute.  Last time _I_
took algebra, .90*.98 was .882 (or 11.8% discount).  And
before you say it, multiplication is still commutative".

My brain is right, and I'm still confused.  I don't really care
about the difference in the money, but does anyone know how they're
really computing this stuff??  

                                                        - MM

P.S. Please, if you're going to rag on me for griping about 
     $0.97, don't bother.  I'm not bitching about TRF, and
     I'm not trying to portray them in a bad light.  I'm
     just trying to make at least one corner of my existence
     internally self-consistent.  You may not appreciate that,
     but it can mean an awful lot to some people.  
--                     {whatever}!crdgw1!brahe!passaret         {whatever}!crdgw1!copernicus!fasun0!mrmike

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