Date: Fri, 20 Mar 92 16:24:31 PST
From: Scott Fisher <>
The idea of making a $45,000 MGB is one of the three or four most
mind-numbingly idiotic things I've ever heard of from the British
Phlegmsucking Leyland sphincters-with-legs. It not only misses
the point of the MG marque by several parsecs, it is philosophically,
technically, and personally abhorrent to me for a number of reasons.
The *whole point* of the MG marque, since the 1920s, was that the
cars were "cheap and cheerful."
My sentiments, almost. While MG did have a couple of models in the
thirties that were of the scale and price that this new MG will be
(the K1 Magnette comes to mind), they only sold a few of them. Their
bread and butter were the cheap cars - the M, J, and P series. What
Rover needs is a modern day equivalent of the M-type to re-establish
themselves, not a modern K1.
So, why don't we write to the bird-brains at Rover who didn't do their
market research? Anyone know the address?
James Howard