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Please give me some quick help!!

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Please give me some quick help!!
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1992 14:11 PST
I bought a 73 B GT just a few months ago for $1000 and it runs very well. I have
just taken it to my MG mechanic (he is VERY VERY GOOD) for a tune up as I 
wantedto go on a 2000 mile road trip this weekend. 

He has just called me and said the following:

1) Oil cooler is NOT standard and looks like the tranmission cooler from a 
yankycar.  Plus the hoses are of smaller diameter than they should be.  Cooler 
4 rows!!

2) Shocks plus Kigpins are shot

3) cam is flat

4) Clutch disengages close to the floor (I knew this!!) he said it could be 
"crappy" rebuilt clutch as it suposed to have been replaced less than 20K ago.

5) a brake line is cracked alittle but not leaking.

What should I do?

Should I take the car on the road trip (from Oregon down to California)??

Will the oil cooler cause the oil to run too hot??
Will the cooler break under the pressure??
How hard is it to replace the cam? (My manual is in the car at the shop!!)


Cheers DW

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