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Spit/Gt6 conversion, 1500 engines

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: Spit/Gt6 conversion, 1500 engines
From: William Hartwell Woodruff <>
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 92 10:34:13 -0500
>Just as a matter of curiosity (since I'm a GT6 owner who wishes he had a
>covertible) wouldn't it be easier to put a Spit body on a GT6 chassis?

        As a matter of fact, yes.  The Tub will bolt on.  You need to
modifify the rear shcok mounts some.  I have spoken with a few people
who have done this conversion (GT6 to a Spit tub) and they seemed pleased
with the results.  I have been worried (and still am) about the strength
the the frame, esp. with the 2.5 liter engine.  Most people I spoke with
don't think this is a real problem.  It really depends on the 
condition of the car in the first place.  I definitley think there will not
be any 'over-build' safety factors left in the frame.  Therefore, it is
crucial to start with good stuff.  I will probably end up trying to stiffen 
the frame when I have the car apart.  Other than that I guess the only thing
to do is try it, and keep you all posted.  If my car turns into a Mobius (sp?)
strip, Dick Nyquist can say 'I told you so'. :-)

        DW, Just last night I stubbed My toe on the 76 1500 engine sitting next
to the 79 1500 engine.  And wondered what the @^%$ I'm going to do with all this
stuff when I move at the end of the summer!  If you want it, its yours.

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