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re: CLANK III- The Saga Continu

Subject: re: CLANK III- The Saga Continu
From: (sohl,william h)
Date: 2 Mar 1992 11:21 EST
>   Now, some people might ask me why I didn't just have the block hot-tanked.  
>Well, in the SCTOA Triumph tech tips book, Ken Gillanders tells us not to do
>that.  He states that the inside of these blocks were painted with a durable
>black enamel by Triumph, and that the sliperiness of this coating is valuable
>in reducing oil flow friction.  He also states that you can't repaint it, as
>the secret of adequately durable internal engine paint has been lost in the
>mists of time.  Be that as it may, I was not adverse to saving the $25 that the
>machine shop charges for this service :-).

Don't know about the painting of the inside of the block, nor what
the relative value of having a "slippery" engine interior wall
might be anyway.  The capacity of the stock engine and oil pan
should never present an opportunity where (IMHO) the sliperiness
of the engine wall would be of any benefit.

Boiling the block can, however, affect the camshaft bearings which
are pressed into the block.  They are replaceable, and all the things
I've heard say that if you boil the block (it is done in a caustic
solution of some type), then you should automatically replace the 
camshaft bearings, too.

All the above is relative to the TR-3/4 engine block.
Bill Sohl (K2UNK) BELLCORE (Bell Communications Research, Inc.)
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