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Subject: Arrrggghh!
Date: Thu, 26 Dec 1991 10:16:38 -0600 (CST)
        Working on these cars can sometimes be sooo frustrating!  Yesterday I 
decided to re-assemble one of the front wheel units on my 'A' and I managed to 
completely screw up an otherwise simple job.  All I had to do was put a few 
bolts throught a few holes, pack the wheel bearings, etc....  right?
        Well I got everything together and noticed that the steering knuckles 
the kingpin (at least the lower one) must be installed *prior* to putting the 
disk rotor dust cover on.  So I had to remove the dust cover.... no big deal 
        To get the dust cover off, the hub/rotor assembly must be pulled.  So I 
ended up completely disassembling everything I had just finished putting 
together.  And ther is an added twist.  The inner bearing decided it liked the 
stub axle better than the hub and stuck on the axle when I pulled the hub out.  
Now, to insure that the oil seal was properly installed back into the hub, I 
decided to pull the bearing off of the axle.  In the process of doing this, I 
managed to destroy a brand new oil seal.
        So in the end, all I accomplished was to destroy a new oil seal, get 
grease on everything (rustproofing, right?) and scratch up all of my nice new 
paint on the parts.  So I now have to degrease the scratched parts and re-paint 
them.  It's a good thing I love this car so much or I might be tempted to write 
graffiti all over it with a MIG welder.
        The moral of the story -- PUT THE STEERING KNUCKLES ON THE KING PIN 
FIRST! -- Thanks, I feel much better now....

*Rick Guynn -MG driver wanna-be.  *  MGA 1600 MkII                        *
*            *  Rebuild (complete) to be finished ?? *
*Texas A&M University             *                                       *
*Keeper of the eternal octagon    *                                       *
* a.k.a. The marque symbol that   *                                       *
*        refuses to die.          *                                       *

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