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Re: Austins

To: (Roger Garnett) (Roger Garnett)
Subject: Re: Austins
From: Dick Nyquist <>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 91 10:52:06 PST
| } A40 Sports (roadster) and these all had the 1200cc engine too.
| As well as the A40 pickup, Van, and Countryman Van (window van). 
| A friend has a van. 2 main bearing engine,

Really 3 Mains bearings, but fairly weak. At one time I could have shown you a 
of broken cranks. In about 1961 on the way to Mexico I broke one and had
to get towed home several hundred miles by a friend who drove the whole way
at 80 mph, throwing beer cans out the window. No such thing as a tow bar, just
20 feet of rope. Hours of driving with my foot poised over the brake, 
staring through the windshield at the tail gate of his pickup and ducking
beer cans. Some times pulling over into the lane next to him for variety.
There was a lot less traffic then....   

| This 1200 was the base for a new design, know today as the B-series
| which started as 1200,



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