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BMW Snowblower

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: BMW Snowblower
From: (Stark Raving Mason)
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 91 12:32:43 -0500
For all of you that are sitting on the edge of your seats waiting to
find out what's become of my Isetta, there's news - I got an engine!
I got an R26 motorcycle engine, it would have worked except the
end of the crank that on the motorcycle carries a small generator on
the Isetta carries a LARGE generator/starter and a fan. So the motorcycle
engine is out without a new crank. Then, thumbing through the local
want ads in boredom waiting for a series of long compiles I had gone
through Motorcycles, Buses, Parts Cars, Misc Animals, and finally onto
vehicle parts - and there it was! "Isetta motor, from a funny car with the
door in front". Turns out the guy had an isetta in the early 60's, but
something had happened to the body, and he needed a snowblower, so he
built himself an electric start 13hp snowblower that does wheelies if
you dump the clutch. It's a total work of art peice of Yankee Ingenuity,
I'll feel bad about taking it apart, but it's got a motor that started on
the 4th crank after sitting 10 years and a (spare) gearbox, plus the
original steering column/instrument (one instrument, that is) cluster,
gas tank, muffler, 2 wheels, drive shafts, headlights and who only knows
what else.
If anyone needs an R26 motor let me know...

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