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Re: One deer Two deer, red deer blue deer..

To: (William Hartwell Woodruff)
Subject: Re: One deer Two deer, red deer blue deer..
From: phile@pwcs.StPaul.GOV (Philip J Ethier)
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 91 15:53:17 CDT
Saw a doe cross the road in front of me on my way home from getting new BFG
GT-4 tires put on the Mighty K-wagon last night.  Luckily, she didn't have 
company.  This is right in the suburban housing area just south of my house
by the Mississipi bluffs.  I hit one up north with the Suburban last year.
Damn glad it was not the Midget or the Lotus.  I lost a friend in Wisconsin
many years ago when he hit a bull at night in his Spridget with a Brooklands

Login name: phile                       In real life: Philip J Ethier
Phone: 298-5324

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