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lots o stuff

To: british-cars@hoosier
Subject: lots o stuff
From: Dangerous Dan <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 1991 16:34 EDT
I just read my 1 weeks worth of mail from brit-cars and I thought 
I would just put all I have in 1 letter.

1) PLATES  (RE: Plates)
   I live in OHIO and in Ohio the county that you live in is
put at be bottom of the plate.  Now for the neat part,
I live in LUCUS county! So I have an opportunity for good
plate humor.  Like: (ascii art follows)

             ******************         ****************** 
             *      OHIO      *         *      OHIO      * 
             *     ELEC*BY    *         *                *
             *     LUCUS      *         *     LUCUS      *    
             ******************         ******************

                  example                     example 
                  of joke                     of a 

Ok now here are the rules: 

    We are allowed a max of 6 characters or 6 characters and one
blank space. The blank space can have a small ohio shape in it if
you want to. From any distance it looks like a dot. (*)
   You dont have to use the LUCUS if you dont want to
for example I saw a car with the plate TKITB8 (Ticket Bait) and I 
liked that.

   Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to come up with the best
plate possable for my Series I (2+2) E-type Jag.

   So edit out the blank plate and send me (or the net if you
think it is Really funny) your best plate joke!

   In two weeks or so i will send out a file of all the plates i got
for your viewing pleasure.

   Refer to my Sig and your Jag spotters guide for more info 
for use on the plate jokes.

2) ELECTRONIC JOKES  (RE: Electronics Jokes)
   My favorite joke is to take a peice of Bus-Wire
(a wire used for jumping terminals together, it is silver and
has no covering)  and wrap a 3 to 5 foot peice around a 
spool of solder in the solder lab.  The joy one feels as
he views the tech's try and try to put a component into a board
and they cant get the stuff to melt!
So they keep on turning up the heat on the iron until they 
figure it out or the wire they are holding becomes toasty warm.

* .... (that cat) streched out a lazy claw and spiked a young onlooker in   *
*  his tracks.  It was too easy.  The great cat yawned and looked away.     *
*  - Car and Driver, (June 1990) : Jaguar's Glorious E-Type                 *
*   //\\  __  _  _ ___  __  __  ___  _  _ ___      //\\  __  _  ________\\\ *
*  // // /_/ /| / / _  /_  /_/ /  / /  / /__      // // /_/ /| /        /// *
* //_// / / / |/ /__/ /__ / \ /__/ /__/ ___/     //_// / / / |/             *
*             1966  E-Type Jaguar  Series I  (2+2)  4.2L  Triple SU         *
*             Internet address:    IN%"CSCON115@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU"         *

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