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Exoticar mailing list

Subject: Exoticar mailing list
From: (Joe Augenbraun)
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 91 12:29:26 EDT
I'm interested in possibly starting a mailing list devoted exclusively to
exotic automobiles (of all nationalities).  I've already solicited interested
parties in the italian cars mailing list, and have received 3 responses.  If
I get a total of 10 people, I'll start the mailing list.  This note is posted
to both the italian cars list, and the british cars list.  If anyone knows
of any other lists that it might be appropriate to post this to, please e-mail
me.  I haven't posted this to (yet) on purpose.

My vision of this mailing list would be a place for interested parties to
discuss driving, maintaining, and other aspects of owning exotic automobiles.
Exotic cars would include things like Ferraris, Lamborghinis, Aston Martins,
Maseratis, AC Cobras, Lotuses (Loti?), and all manner of unusual automobiles
that are not covered by other mailing lists.  It would be up to the members
of the list to iron out particulars.

Please e-mail me if you are interested.  If I receive a minimum of 10
responses, I'll set it up.  You need not own an exotic to join the list,
just have a keen interest in them (although if you don't own one, tell
me so I don't count you in the 10; I'm looking for 10 people so that there
is enough traffic to justify the lists existance.  I don't imagine a non-
owner would generate any significant traffic).


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