Anybody know of the Reliant Robin 3-wheel car? Smaller than a Mini - the butt
end of jokes about reliability, lack of speed and stability and one of the
most maligned British cars ever!
Well, I saw this in the local paper today - the eastern daily Press 6/8/91 -
reprinted without permission:
A Reliant Robin driver who was chased by police across 17 miles of
snow-bound countryside, was convicted of reckless driving by Thetford
magistrates yesterday.
Police in a Land-Rover failed to keep up with the yellow, M-reg
three-wheeler after its driver made off when they tried to stop his car in the
early hours of February 9.
The driver outstripped the police in a 40-minute chase on icy roads
but finally gave himself up after the Reliant Robin's distinctive tyre
tracks led officers to his front door.
......."It has a 750cc engine, two burnt valves and is not capable of more
than 50 mph." - driver.
......."i was in full four-wheel drive with the gear box differential lock
applied." - officer.'