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Re: James Bond's Bentley

Subject: Re: James Bond's Bentley
From: (Dan Pritchett)
Date: Fri, 2 Aug 91 08:49:23 PDT
//Sorry, it wasn't "The Autobiography of James Bond".  I found the book
//last night, its "James Bond.  The Authorized Biography" (well, I was
//close!) by John Pearson (whom worked for Ian Fleming and also wrote
//"The Life of Ian Fleming").  By the way, the book reveals that Ian
//Fleming actually knew a real James Bond who also attended Eton albeit
//somewhat later.  The real James Bond was just like the character in
//the books too... interesting, but I digress.
Hmm...The real James Bond was an ornthologist and Fleming being very fond
of bird watching himself always had Bond's book on bird classifications
handy. Accounts that I have read seem to indicate the Fleming didn't meet
the real Bond until the spy character had become quite famous. Fleming did
offer Bond the option of using Fleming's name for a bird if he so chose.

//I can't find any mention of the purchase as eluded to above.  It must
//be in one of the early books.  I believe Bond met Marthe de Brandt
//near the time of his "Casino Royale" (the first book) episode since
//there is plenty of mention of Monte Carlo in the biography about
//this time.  All my Bond books must be up in the attic stuffed away in 
//boxes, and I ain't about to go digging up there!
Bond already had the Bentley when he went to Monte Carlo in Casino Royale.
The source for it isn't really explained in the book to my recollection.

A devoted Bond fanatic.

Dan Pritchett               | ARPA/Internet: dlp@zule.EBay.Sun.COM
Sun Federal System Engineer | Air Waves: KC6TXZ
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