>> The only toy I have is a picture of a top sail schooner, The Pride of
>>Baltimore. I have never been to Baltimore but I like the boat.
>My ship's bigger than yours. I have "Balclutha" beating out of
>Bristol Channel in the winter of '94. So I'll see your top'sl
>schooner and raise you a full-rigged iron ship. And a sloop,
>which is smaller than the "Pride," but it's mine.
>> continously bummed,
>It gets worse, Tim. The "Pride of Baltimore" took a big wave through
>her main hatch, rolled over, and sunk about three years ago!
Well it's too bad about the "Pride", rotten thing to happen to any ship.
I haven't got a boat yet but if wait a couple of decades I plan to build
a trimaran rigged out like a top sail schooner. Then I'll retire. :-)
Ob. BC note: This last weekend I took a trip to Chicago and back in a '74
MGBGT with a rotten radiator. I took extra water but except for about a
quart used to top it off after replacing a heater hose, I never used any
water. However the Surburan with the dead water pump used it up on the way
to Chicago and a Mazda used it up on the way back to Fargo. The MG never
got hot and still had water in the top tank after 670 miles. Always makes
me feel good to stop in my 17 year old car to help out these new ones. :-)