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Re: Broken Shock Link

To: mit-eddie!!british-cars@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: Broken Shock Link
From: leger@Alliant.COM (Bob Leger)
Date: Wed, 20 Feb 91 14:51:28 EST
Jeff Shoemaker asked about driving his TR6 for a few days while waiting
for a replacement rear shock link.


The droop stop for the rear suspension or the TR6 is contacted by the lever
arm of the shock.  With the shock link broken, the suspention will be able
to droop lower until stopped by the axle shaft hitting the frame.  The 
frequency of the suspension hitting full droop will be aggrivated by the
absence of damping.  In addition, there is a chance that the suspension
drooping that low may allow the road spring to become disloged from its
mounts.  It would be best if you could find alternate transportation until
the shock link comes.  The part is cheap enough that replacing both for
insurance is not a bad idea.

Bob Leger

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