Well, I've got a pretty good list building for my offer to send out the
automotive electrical troubleshooting information that my company has
so generously put together and made available. (Another testimony to
the power of the letters: f-r-e-e!! ;-) The first batch should go out
sometime this week. Just to acknowledge those people that I have received
messages from so far, here is the list to date:
From: jlo@elan.com (Jeff Lo)
From: Larry Schwarcz <lrs@hpindwa.cup.hp.com>
From: hertzber@spot.Colorado.EDU (HERTZBERG JEAN R)
From: Dick Nyquist <dickn@hpspdln.spd.hp.com>
From: guy@bevsun.bev.lbl.gov (Aran Guy)
From: red4est!lrc@ucscc.UCSC.EDU (Larry Colen - Nerd in a black leather jacket)
From: Kirk Buecher <kirkb@hpgrla.gr.hp.com>
From: andyh@hcxio.hdw.csd.harris.com (Andy Haber)
From: Dale C. Cook <cook@pinocchio.encore.com>
From: uw-beaver!ccwf.cc.utexas.edu!jtc (James TenCate)
From: lupienj@hpwarq.wal.hp.com (John Lupien)
From: garnett@theory.TN.CORNELL.EDU (Roger Garnett)
From: yale!fs1.ee.ubc.ca!rodb@das.harvard.edu (Rod Barman)
From: uunet!druhi!bob (Bob Horney)
From: Jerry Kaidor <Jerry_Kaidor.ENGINTWO@engtwomac.synoptics.com>
From: Dustin Kassman <dhk@hpcvxdhk.cv.hp.com>
From: uiucuxc!pwcs!phile (Philip J Ethier)
From: brett@condor.ccit.arizona.edu (Brett Engel)
From: augi@cbmvax.cbm.commodore.com (Joe Augenbraun)
From: tr!steve@uunet.UU.NET (steve chandler CAI Tucson)
From: dambrose@dri.com (David Ambrose)
I understand all to well the Joe Lucas influence on network mail software,
(as I'm sure Jim Muller and Dale Cook do also ;-), so anyone who has tried
to contact me prior to Monday, 1/28 and is not on this list, try, try again!
(To Jean Hertzberg & Kirk Buecher: I may just bring your packets with me
when I travel down your way next month - this should give us a good excuse
to get together over a fine British Ale to discuss fine British Automobiles!
Ya, that's the ticket!)
Keep those cards and letters coming!
Pat Vilbrandt John Fluke Mfg. Co., Inc. Everett, Washington USA
UUCP: pwv@tc.fluke.COM or: { uunet, uw-beaver, sun, microsoft }!fluke!pwv
ARPA: fluke!pwv@uw-beaver.ARPA
(206) 356-5282 wk.
(206) 745-2210 hm.