Subject: Re: MGB Engine Rebuild (3)
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 91 11:12:40 EST
From: banta@Eng.Sun.COM
>Use "assembly lube" when putting the engine together. Use it early,
>use it often. Use it on cam bearings, cam lobes, lifters, gudgeon
>bearings, rod bearings, main bearings and rocker assembly. Use it every-
What do you consider assembly lube? I've just use engine oil myself.
I've seen white chassis(?) grease used. Some one once suggested using
STP to me (is that stuff still around?) but I suspect that STP would
tend to block oil passages, especially when its cold. Understand that
it's a terrific hand cleaner though.
>where two pieces of metal are expected to move against each other (with
>the exception of the cylinders ... put lots of oil on the cylinder walls
Another suggestion I've heard is to install pistons "dry" to facilitate
rapid ring seating. I'm not sure I could bring myself to do this, at least
not in an engine paid for out of my own pocket.
>>Moly Lube EC 8570 8.95 (for cam?)
>This is the stuff you want to use on all your bearings and whatnot.
Guess this answers my first question.
Roland Dudley