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Re: Survey again?

To: yale!!
Subject: Re: Survey again?
From: yale!harvard!ames!! (Rob Pryor)
Date: Mon, 7 Jan 91 09:49:30 -0800
I still have the complete results from the last survey I did last year (May/
June time frame) and I was planning on conducting a new survey this summer.
The reason I was going to wait a year is that there was very little
difference in the results between my survey and one that preceeded it. 
Running the survey at more frequent intervals would probably use up more
bandwidth (dispite efforts to keep corespondence off the b-c list) than it
would yield in new info.  However, if there is enough interest I'd be willing
to have it now and be the census taker.

Alternatively, I'd be willing to turn the survey into an actively maintained
database where list members send in updates(via e-mail to me directly) when
they feel like it and I publish the info on a periodic basis, say once a
week/month/quarter/whatever, on the b-c list.

Let me know what you people think.

_____________               _____________   Robb Pryor, Pyramid Technology,
\____________\_____________/____________/   1295 Charleston Rd.,
  \__________               __________/     Mountain View, CA 94039
    \________ AUSTIN-HEALEY ________/       VOICE:(415) 965-7200

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