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Vintage racer seeks interesting vehicles

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Vintage racer seeks interesting vehicles
From: mit-eddie!!sfisher@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 28 Sep 90 11:18:51 PDT
I got a call a week or two ago from someone in Toronto
who was answering an ad for my '63-1/2 Falcon Sprint.
I'd already disposed of the car, but the buyer was such
an interesting and friendly fellow (and it was his nickel)
that we ended up chatting for most of an hour.

Anyway, his name is Malcolm Elston, and he's been racing
a Mini Cooper S in vintage at tracks near Toronto.  We
talked about Mosport and Shannonville, about his early
competition days racing Spridgets, and about his plans
and ideas for the next few seasons of vintage racing. 

His motivation: the Mini that he races is still street-legal,
with a full interior; after the race, he takes the tape off
the lights and drives home.  But he's starting to see people
showing up with fully prepared race cars, and he doesn't want
to do that to his fun Mini.

So he's looking for any of several interesting cars, and I
thought the list would at least appreciate thinking about
them, and might know of some available for sale.

Malcolm's First Choice:

  pre-1972 Formula Fords, preferably Titans or Merlyns,
  with Lotus 51 or 61 a possibility.  "If you know someone
  who has a perfectly restored racer that they're asking
  $50,000 for, they're coming to the wrong person," he
  said -- he's looking in the $10k range.

  Other Minis, Mk I or pre-1967; an 850, Cooper or Cooper S
  will do.  

  Ginettas, preferably G4 or G7, though a G16 is acceptable

  Elvas, particularly the Mk. 5 through Mk. 7 varieties.

Well?  Sounds like quite a wish list.  Anyone got such a 
car that they're willing to sell, or know of one for sale?
If you do, send mail to me or get in touch with Malcolm
directly if you're close enough:

  Malcolm Elston
  16 Penrose Road
  Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4S1P1
  home (416) 485-9232
  work (416) 444-9484

BTW, Malcolm also mentioned what sounds like a fun pair of
events scheduled for the first two weekends of July in the
Toronto area.  Apparently there are back-to-back vintage 
events, one at Mosport and the second at Shannonville.  I
doubt that I'll have the time to get that far, but it sounds
like a blast for some of the list readers just this side
of the St. Lawrence River.


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