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'70 E-Type for sale

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: '70 E-Type for sale
From: mit-eddie!!larry_schwarcz%q0@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Date: 25 Sep 90 09:47 -0800
Hey, there,

Well, a friend of mine is selling one of his Jag E-types.  Here's
what he has to say about the car...

Start of ad...

'70 E-Type Jaguar 4.2 Liter Roadster:

       New Biscuit interior, New Hartz cloth top, rebuilt carbs,
       rebuilt brakes, California car, new paint (white).

           Call Scott at (415) 969-3970 Eves.

End of ad.

If you need more info, you can either call Scott directly or
write me and I'll ask him (to save ya long distance charge).

                     Larry Schwarcz
                     HP Cupertino, CA

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