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Re: More hood/top repair Q's

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: Re: More hood/top repair Q's
From: David Boreham <uunet!!davidb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 90 12:09:23 GMT  writes:

>Bay Area SOLs, I've found a place for us to meet sometime soon
>(while our cars all still work from having been gussied up 
>for the ABCS).  It's called The Britannia Arms, and it's a 
>fairly authentic British pub in Cupertino.  A dozen kinds of
>beer and ale (well, eleven plus one hard cider) on draught, 
>plus a wide selection of bottled stuff, plus traditional
>British pub food.  They have a dartboard, which makes me want
>to get out me good pub darts and brush up on the game.  (Hey,
>I won Kim a stuffed penguin at an arcade near Riverside Raceway
>three years ago!  "Nobody ever won anything for me at a fair
>before," said Kim.)

Well, I am one of the brits who reads this list, but I've no clue             
how to make mashed potato.

However, I just got back from a vacation in the Bay Area. I watched
the 49ers Seahawks game in the Britannia Arms and can report that
it is a fairly authentic British pub, with two exceptions:

1. We were cheering the Seahawks. In a REAL british pub we would have
   been hospitalised by the locals.

2. They had put a darts floor mat (the thing with the line you stand
   behind which I know the name for but can't find in the dictonary)
   on the wall ! This must make playing darts rather difficult.

One of the barstaff was from Glasgow, another from Ireland. That makes
it the best ``british'' pub in the south bay as far as I'm concerned :-)


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