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restoration time...

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: restoration time...
From: Croaker the Physician <mit-eddie!!markl@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 90 09:58:00 PDT
Well, yesterday the Geezer went to Bonnet M.G. Classics in San Jose
for dent repair, interior work, and random other cosmetic repairs.
I'm hoping it'll all be done by the time the Palo Alto show comes
around.  Speaking of which, are there any SOL get together plans for
the show?  I assume a good chunk of the Bay Area SOLers will be there
and I'd like to meet you.  Most of the people I know are from the
Boston area get together over two years ago, so I'm a bit out of

By the way, I'm really impressed with Bonnet Classics so far (they
liked my car, a surefire way to turn my head :-).  If it works out the
way I expect, people looking for a good MG garage should look no
further.  The proprietor says he even works on the occasional Triumph,
although I didn't see any in the shop when I was there.


Mark L. Lambert
Architecture Group, Network Products Division
Oracle Corporation

           UUCP:     ...{hplabs,apple,uunet}!oracle!markl

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