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Re: Okay... the Interop Tease

To: mit-eddie!!ssi!ssiwest!young@EDDIE.MIT.EDU
Subject: Re: Okay... the Interop Tease
From: mit-eddie!!droms@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Ralph E. Droms)
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 90 16:18:41 EDT
OK - your mail arrived while my Interop glossy brochure/blurb was
sitting on my desk under my nose.  So here's some info:

What: Interop 90 - The 5th Interoperability Conference and
      Exhibition ... a 5 day tutorial/conference/exhibition for and
      about the networking community

Where: San Jose

When: 10/8 - 10/12.  The first two days are dedicated to tutorials on
      subjects like TCP/IP, OSI, network hardware, X and NFS.  The
      last three days have concurrent conference sessions and an
      exhibition in which networking system vendors show off their

About an SOL meeting - Tuesday night sounds fine, assuming the meeting
place and time are such that I can find my way there from the Fairmont
Hotel and then to the airport w/o benefit of a rental car.  Looking
forward to seeing some fellow SOLs in October...

- Ralph

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