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idle problem

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: idle problem
From: mit-eddie!mozart.AMD.COM!zahid@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Zahid Ahsanullah)
Date: Mon, 13 Aug 90 13:38:52 CDT
>Well, both carbs got rebuilt this weekend, and my new choke seems
>to work fine, but I still have a problem with idle. The TR7 has
>never wanted to settle into a constant idle. When I disengage the
>clutch the RPM usually dives to about 400 RPM then slowly builds back
>up to 1200 RPM. Letting the clutch out in neutral adds another 200
>RPM to the idle. On cool mornings the idle will fluctuate about 200
>RPM constantly.
>So what gives here? The carb pistons seemed to move freely and
>I'm using 10W30 in the dampers. This is turning into a real annoying
>Dan Mutchler 

Dan, try this, remove the dashpot and hold the cylinder down somewhat
lightly. Now when you rev the engine if the response is quicker than
when you do it without the finger, the problem is a worn out dashpot or
spring.  Put in a light spring (plastic preferably) inside the dashpot 
cylinder. This is how I fixed my problem for a while. The idea was given 
to me by an old mechanic in Croydon (U.K) who knew where it was at. The
other common problem is a manifold leak, diaphragm assembly leak,
or an inoperative pcv valve. The best fix is a Weber coupled with
a valve job. Should be around $225-$250. Do check out the pcv valve
though in any case.


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