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UK and International Triumph Meeting.

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: UK and International Triumph Meeting.
From: "S.W. Cox CMP Staff" <mit-eddie!!swc@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 10 Aug 90 16:14:44 BST
Well the  weather in England is reaching record temperatures - close to
100 in the shade and you can't move on the roads for LBCs. Well, that
might be a bit of an exageration but there are quite a few about at the moment.

It makes a change from the leaky hoods but we'll have to put up with the
overheating and venting petrol tanks.

Anyway, have any of you in the states heard about the Standard - Triumph
meeting in the middle of September, here in England? It's an international
do which has be notified to clubs worldwide - from Dutch clubs to your VTR.

I haven't got any info on me at the moment but if anyone is coming over
here this summer then let me know and I'll pass on the details.


    __     __
   |  \   /  |
   ||| \_/ |||           Steve Cox
   |||||||||||           School of Info. Systems,
   |||||||||||           UEA,
   |||||||||||           Norwich,
 __|||||||||||__         Norfolk  UK.
 \ \--.|||.--/ /
  \ \__\_/__/ /
   \ TRIUMPH /

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