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Once again...

To: sol@hoosier
Subject: Once again...
From: mit-eddie!!mjb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mark Bradakis)
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 90 23:07:38 -0600
Well I did it.  Took Rick's trailer to go and pick up the Rust Rocket.  It is
now resting comfortably outside my shed, waiting for me to shuffle things
around so I can give it an inside berth.

Of course, the trouble is deciding just what to do with it.  Put all the
good stuff on The White Car and the TR3, tossing the rest into the pile of
generic parts?  Stick a fresh motor in it and roar around once again?  Take
the time and money to make a nice car of the thing, like I plan to do with
so many of these other cars I have sitting forlorn and nearly forgotten?
It doesn't look that much worse than the photos of some of the VTR Concours
cars before their makeover, you know.

I do want to put the header and Supertrapp on The White Car, the engine in
the Rust Rocket does belong in the TR3, but I have spares.  Maybe I'll just
slap an ad in the paper and try to sell some of these other parts, maybe one
or two of the small Triumphs, raise a few bucks for an engine rebuild...


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