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To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: Traffic
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!ssiwest!young@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Indi)
Date: Wed, 8 Aug 90 10:19:57 PDT
Mike Johnson says:
>   The end result is that  driving  with the traffic is OK, but fighting
>   it is doomed to ruin a trip.  We slowed  down and  enjoyed  the road.
>   Very relaxing.

        True words!  We took the TR6 up to Santa Rosa from Livermore this
        weekend --via SF (Bay Bridge and Golden Gate) because it was SO
        HOT!  We wanted to cool off, and the weather on the Golden Gate
        was spectacular!  However, the traffic was equally spectacular.
        The only way to deal with it was to ignore it and pretend you really
        *meant* to drive up to the Golden Gate so you could park your car
        on the approach road and become very familiar with all the cracks
        in the concrete there.

        indi (Cathy Young)         |"ssiwest!young"
        Supercomputer Systems, Inc | or: uunet!ssi!young
        Livermore, CA              | (415)373-8044

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