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Re: A-arm horrors

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM, gregoret@cgl.ucsf.EDU
Subject: Re: A-arm horrors
From: mit-eddie!sco.COM!banta@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (no user servicable parts inside)
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 90 0:45:11 PDT
Sorry to hear about your bum luck on the A-arm, Lydia.
Communication with Scott in the past couple hours shows that he's
well on the way to getting his done. 

The the price of parts and the right kind of beer, you may be able
to get yours done by not-quite-professionals.  Of course we'd have
to know the details, ie is it the driver's side only?  do you want
trick bushings put in when it goes back together?  what kind of

I'm pretty certain I can break free for an evening before Thursday.
How about any of the other Bay Area Silly Oil Leakers (my expansion
of SOL)?

You can give me a call at 408-448-2524.  Leave a message if I'm not


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