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Subject: potporrie
From: "Teriann J. Wakeman" <mit-eddie!APPLE.COM!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 13:29:34 -0700
1. RE Interop-90. I have been reading messages about which days of the week
people will be there, but no one has tied it to the calender. Could someone
be nice enough to tell me what interop-90 is & what the dates are?

2. British cars & children
I suspect that when children get too large for a roadster then its yime for
a Triumph Stag {with the strange duel Saab engine} or it means that 
something like a Jag MK II or Mk IX would be appropriate. The TR Roadster has
a nice rumble seat complete with its own windscreen.  Though they are not
sportscars, Land Rovers are fun to drive, and 109 stationwagons come with
seating for 9.

3. RE Jensen Heleys
East 14th st autowreckers normally have 2 to 6 Jensen Healeys at any one time.
You might try them for a bonnet. Thw bonnet will have blisters from an 
engine fire. The fuel line has a plastic 'T' where the line splits for
the carbs.  Evidently, this 'T' ages and cracks, leaking petrol onto the 
distributer causing a fire.  If you get the Jensen Heley, I suggest that you
might consider putting in a better than stock fuel line. {I just looked up &
noticed that I spelled Healey wrong.  Sorry 'bout that}

Local prices seem to be in the 3 - 4K range for fairly good shape models.

4. RE Dashpot oil
I use three in one oil.  It seems to do fine.

5. RE TR mirrors
The English & Japaneese then to have wing mounted mirrors while Americans have
always had them on the door, as close as possible to the driver.  The TR3s
came with wing mounted mirrors. I have seen TR4-6 with wing mounted mirrors.
But I have also seen some with door mounted mirrors.  The bullet shaped mirrors
are aftermarket "racing" mirrors that were a popular aftermarket conversion
in the '60s. Try checking the Roadster factory catalogue.


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