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Re: kids and LBC two-seaters

To: '"!"@planck' (sol)
Subject: Re: kids and LBC two-seaters
From: mit-eddie!!tobin@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Mike Tobin)
Date: Thu, 2 Aug 90 9:43:57 EDT
A question is asked about little kids in the back of an LBC

When our kid was small and the Healey was our
"regular" car we used two different setups as he grew.

When he was an infant I put in a seatbelt in the back to hold down a
regular car seat. I had to drill holes in the bodywork to do it, but
Seatbelt kits come with the bolts and LARGE washers for mounting.  

When he got too big for the car seat we found a kids saftey harness
(looked like a parachute harness with netting across the front to
distribute the load).  It was designed to work with a "real" car - you put
the harness on the kid and then inserted a strap thought the back which
loopped around the back seat.  It was mounted to the body under the seat
like a seat belt.  It worked real well with the Healey's jump seats.
The kid loved it: the seat was just his size (kids like that) and
he loved the wind in his hair.  We just had to be real firm about "keep
your hands inside".  Even a little kid can reach the wire wheeels while
seated!  The trips in the Healey must have been good for him - he's now
drives his own Spitfire.

I'm not sure seat belts alone are good for little kids.  The pelvic area
sin't strong enough.  The harness looked like a much better deal.
Fortunatley we never put it to the test.

Mike Tobin

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