>I _think_ this bounced. So here it goes again. I'd like to use this as
>a test too. Would somebody reply. I think either our mailer has a
>touch of Alzheimer's (or the dummy at the keyboard).
>> The NACA ducts usually do point the other way. But then, they are
>> usually to get air INTO the car. With the Healey the problem is
>> getting hot air out of the engine compartment. More precisely, get it
>> out by some way other than through the cockpit! I've melted sneakers
>> on the throttle pedal.
>> Mike Tobin
Loud & clear here at HP in Santa Clara, Silicon Valley.
It used to irritate the hell out of me to have to drive my Healey in 100
degree + F weather with the heater on to keep if from over heating. I
never understood why the cockpit seemed to hold the heat so well in the
summer but nary a calorie in the winter.