It was a toasty humid Fourth here in Woodville and since no one
in my family could decide how to invest the day, I pushed
Grandfather out in the sunshine for another go at what ailed
The first thing I found, to my surprise, was the fan belt
hanging limply from the pulleys. Seemed like a good place
to start. Tip: if your B still sports an air pump, it is
much less work to remove it to gain access to the generator
than to try and work around it!
Wonder of wonders, I didn't drop one bolt, washer or whatnot
into the dusty drive!
Next I went over the ignition, cleaning, gapping, and wiggling
-- just to make sure. Everything seemed ok, but you never know
what bit of magic exorcises that Lucas daemon, do you? Sure
enough, he came to life on the first try when all was put
In plenty of time to watch the end of England's chances in
the cup. Booo.
- Dale "and a happy 4th to you!"