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Re: Hi!

To:, twakeman@APPLE.COM
Subject: Re: Hi!
From: "Teriann J. Wakeman" <mit-eddie!APPLE.COM!twakeman@EDDIE.MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 10:01:35 -0700
The MGBGT is my commute car, bad weather car, & haul groceries from the 
market car. My commute is about 40 miles each way. During the winter it is
often done in driving rain storms.

The TR3A is my Sunday drive, occasional sunny day commute, club event car.
it is not much fun in the rain.

The Land Rover is my carry hay, goats, firewood, trash, manure, and car
camping car. It doesn't make it as a commute car because it gets 15ish
miles per gallon.

Each car has a different use. I have always liked big Healeys.  There is an
active Healey club in my area. I thought it would be nice to have both the
TR3 & a BJ8 to play with.

I have driven a TR7 and found them to be comfortable.  People in the TR club
say that they are water tight & comfortable in the rain. So a TR7 could fill
the same nitch as the MGBGT, be more comfortable and allow me to have a
year around drophead coupe.

Auto crossing is hard on a car. You can go through a set of street tyres in
one day. Cars break regularly at autocrosses. I would ruther have a car set
up properly just for autocrosing.  I may occasionly run the TR3 but I would
ruther keep it mostly for touring & jamming around mountain roads.

Besides one can seldom have too many British cars.


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