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The Market for "our cars"

To: british-cars@Alliant.COM
Subject: The Market for "our cars"
From: mit-eddie!tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU!garnett@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Roger Garnett)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 90 14:24:23 EDT
The new "British Car" has an interesting editorial on the car market. The
author had just been over to England, and seen the glut of LHD cars sitting
*at the docks*. Seems the dealers and sharks have bid the prices beyond
the actual market. Prices on some of the "hot" stuff are *dropping*!
(The auction results in the back confirm this) They've saturated their
market. (There does have to be a consumer in the chain, eventually :-))
Prices on some of the cheaper cars may still climb a bit to catch up, and
special stuff will continue to be, but the flow out of the US may see
a noticable slow down. 
        The rest of the issue is pretty good too.

Roger Garnett           (garnett@tcgould.TN.CORNELL.EDU)
The South Lansing Centre For Wayward Sports Cars

"All donations of stray, orphaned, odd, neglected, etc.
 sports cars and bits in need of a good home accepted." 

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